Life Above Zero: Life and Mindset Coaching

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Being apart of Babes in Business has been the biggest blessing I could have ever imagined. I always knew the 9-5, Mon-Fri grind wasn’t for me. I started nursing as I was into health and loved the idea of helping others. Although I liked the shift work to begin with and having some mornings off, I was sick of doing night duty, having no personal daily routine and hardly seeing my partner. My entire perspective on health changed just prior to me finishing my degree & I discovered holistic health and the power of nutrition, mindset and preventative measures for our wellbeing. I was sick of being told I couldn’t take annual leave to visit my friends or family on the other side of the country for a birthday or if they were unwell. Having a restricted amount of leave for holidays, and a capped amount of income - if I was struggling now, how would I support a family in the future?! I looked at people who had been working for 40 hours a week, for 40+ years, and thought, this can not be my life! I wanted more for myself. I started holistic health coaching with the dream of being my own boss, but was lacking the support and encouragement I needed. I joined Babes in Business in the hope to create more time freedom for myself, more financial freedom, for passion and drive for my future, all while helping others in a way more aligned with my values. Babes in Business has enabled me to significantly reduce my hours at an unfulfilling job, and I will be able to completely be my own boss, work my own hours, create my own schedule, in the next couple of months. Be able to take holidays whenever I want! The best part though, is the amazing connections and friendships I have made through Babes in Business. Women coming together to support, encourage and empower one another all on their own journeys, achieving amazing personal and business growth, and coming together to show the world what we are all capable of.