How to stick to your New Years Resolutions & understanding why it is so hard to make those changes.

How to Stick to your New Years Resolution

Lots of people at this time of the year set life, health, wellness, relationship, business goals and yet most of those people will abandon them at some point in the next 12 months.

So I decided to explain why this is and AND how you can prevent that from happening so you aren’t one of the phoneys who say “new year, new me” and then remain the same person you were last year, running the same mundane rat race routine, moaning about the exact same shit, telling yourself the same bullshit excuses.

Don’t Beat Yourself Up

And no, its not you, its not that your lazy, its not that you start things and never finish things, its not your personality - those are excuses and are just a “cop out”. Because the truth is change is hard - for everyone.

How does Change happen?

The sad truth is that for change to occur, the pain of staying where we are must be greater than the pain of growing... Because change is not easy, it takes effort, it takes persistence and requires commitment.

So watch my LIVE where I share with you the research, psychology and elaborate on the following tips and tricks so you don't become another statistic and you make 2018 THE BEST YEAR YET!!

1) Chase your own goals!

(You can find the blog I refer to about setting goals in accordance to your own values here)

2) Preframe that your goals are going to take....(wait for it) drum rolll.... WORRRRKKKK!

You can fill out the Change Matrix below to be really transparent with yourself what the road will look like, what it will cost you and what you have to gain.

3)  Seperate your feelings from your actions.

Acknowledge and accept, that most days...YOU'RE NOT GOING TO FEEL LIKE IT!

Try the 5 Second Rule to get that little toosh of yours into action on the days you "don't feel like it",  (lets be honest, that's all of us most days)  - you can learn more about that in Mel Robbin's Book. 

Also do yourself a favour and put some time aside today to read this letter I spoke about in my LIVE, to help you get some perspective for 2018,  the realest, rawest and truest thing I’ve read to date. Rest in peace beautiful.

Wishing you another year of health, wealth and abundance.


An Introvert living in an Extrovert world


Sex, Business and Money