I have partnered up with a team of health and wellness professionals from around the world to bring you health protocols backed by research and science to up level your performance as well as an online holistic health program that you can log into from anywhere in the world to ignite your expansion - called the Healthstyle Emporium.

Psychologists, Dieticians, Nutritionalists, Chiropractors, Nurses, skin specialists, Health and life coaches, Reiki healers, Personal Trainers have collaborated together and contributed our expertise to created this online holistic health program which is all about educating and supporting women to make small but sustainable healthy lifestyle choices to nourish their mind, body and soul.

The HSE program is designed to meet you where you are at on your health and wellness journey (whether you already consider yourself healthy or whether you need help getting started) and you work through it at your own pace. We have resources and activities for your mind, body and soul and a beautiful community of women to share the journey with you, hold you accountable and support you to be the healthiest and happiest version of you.

Our program is not about diets or restriction - its all about everything in moderation so do not stress about sticking to an eating program or guilting yourself that is EVERYTHING we are not about. It is about skipping the diet and learning how to implement small sustainable changes one by one to help you with whole food nutrition, self love and conscious movement.